How to bid your desire item here? 如何競標物品?

1. Sign up as member of XelaShop. 登記成為會員
  • E-mail your Name, E-mail Address, HandPhone Number, and Address to "".(Please stated on the e-mail title as " XELASHOP member application") 將您的姓名﹐電郵郵址﹐手機號碼﹐及地址等個人資料電郵至 “” (請在電郵標題欄目寫上 “ XELASHOP 會員登記” )
  • Post a comment here and stated that you had sent your application with just list out your Name. (Please do not include your Hand Phone Number and your e-mail in the comment to prevent spam ,as well as privacy issue.) 請在此回覆聲明您已經電郵我們﹐並只著名您的姓名。 (請不要公開您的手機號碼及電郵地址﹐避免不必要的干擾。)
  • You will get a respond e-mail with a member ID, and you can start to bid for your items here.您將獲得一個電郵回覆包含您的會員編號﹐得到會員編號後即可開始競標物品。
  • Please repeat the above steps again,if your do not get any respond e-mail after 5 days time. 如果在登記後的5天沒得到我們的回覆﹐請重複以上的步驟。

2. Please place your bid by posting a comment post on the selected item, if you found your favorite item here. The bid format should be as bellow: 在決定競標任何物品時﹐請在其物品的回覆中依據以下的格式發貼﹕
Member ID 會員編號 :
My Bid Rate 我的競標價位 : RM

3. The waiting time for every bid is 14days , started from the date of your bid comment post. 競標等候期為14天﹐從您的發貼日開始計算。
Your bid will be automatically invalid ,if there is other higher bid comment post within the 14days waiting period. And you may choose to post another higher bid or give up the item. 當在14天內出現更高的競標價位﹐您的競標將自動作廢。您可以選擇發貼更高競標價位。
Your bid will be automatically successful, if there is no other higher bid comment post within the 14days waiting period. And you are require to make the payment BEFORE GETTING your item.當在14天內沒有出現更高的競標價位﹐您的競標將自動成功。您必須先付款﹐方能得到您的競標物品。

4. The payment of your successfully bid should be (=) your bid rate adding (+) the delivery fee as stated in the item post and also adding (+) sub-charges (if any). 成功競標物品的付款總和必須包括您的競標價位﹐運輸費用及其他費用(如有)。

5. Please make payment by online transfer, within 24hours, after getting our confirm notification of the successfully bid. Your bid will automatically invalid if we do not get your payment within 24hours. 請在得到我們的競標成功確定通知的24小時內將款項付清。您的競標成功將自動做費﹐如果我們沒在24小時內收到您的付款。

6. Come back to enter “Payment DETAILS”, wait for shipment. We will deliver your order within 14 working days. Alternatively, you may collect your item personally. 請將付款證明發貼回覆﹐並等待運輸。我們將在14天內將物品給發送出去。您也能選擇自行收取您的物品。

You may send an e-m to us at "" or live chat help with GTalk ID ""
如有任何疑問﹐您能電郵至 “” 或聯繫我們的線上客戶服務 GTalk ID ""

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